Sam Cooke - You Send Me - 1957

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Sam Cooke - You Send Me - 1957


Sam Cooke's "You Send Me" from 1957: An Iconic Song in Music History

Sam Cooke, often hailed as the "King of Soul," made a lasting impact on the world of music with his 1957 hit, "You Send Me." This song not only showcased his unique vocal style but also marked a significant moment in the history of soul and R&B music.

Background of "You Send Me"

"You Send Me" was written by Sam Cooke himself and was released in 1957. The song quickly became a sensation, reaching number one on both the R&B and pop charts in the United States. It was one of the first songs to bridge the gap between R&B and pop music, appealing to a wide and diverse audience. This crossover success was a pivotal moment in the racial integration of popular music during that era.

Musical Composition and Style

Musically, "You Send Me" is characterized by its smooth, flowing melody and simple yet effective instrumentation. Cooke's voice, with its smooth, emotive style, became a defining feature of the song. The blend of gospel influences with secular themes was innovative for its time and paved the way for future soul artists.

Legacy and Influence

The legacy of "You Send Me" lies in its influence on the evolution of soul music and its role in breaking racial barriers in the music industry. Sam Cooke's style in this song influenced numerous artists and helped to establish soul music as a distinct genre.

For further reading on Sam Cooke and the history of soul music, check out Sam Cooke's Biography and The History of Soul Music.

External resources for a deeper understanding of the song and its historical context include:

MOOCit for musical analysis courses. Wikipedia's "You Send Me" page for detailed information about the song's release and impact.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "You Send Me" by Sam Cooke released? (1957) (!1960) (!1955) (!1963)

Which charts did "You Send Me" top in the United States? (Both R&B and pop charts) (!Only the R&B charts) (!Only the pop charts) (!Neither chart)

Who wrote "You Send Me"? (Sam Cooke) (!Otis Redding) (!Ray Charles) (!Aretha Franklin)

What was significant about "You Send Me" in terms of music genre? (It bridged the gap between R&B and pop music) (!It was the first rock and roll song) (!It introduced electronic elements in soul music) (!It was the first rap song)

How did "You Send Me" impact racial barriers in the music industry? (It contributed to the racial integration of popular music) (!It was the first song performed by an integrated band) (!It addressed racial issues in its lyrics) (!It had no impact on racial barriers)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

What nickname is Sam Cooke often known by? ("King of Soul") (!"Father of Folk") (!"Prince of Pop") (!"Guru of Gospel")

In addition to being a singer, what other role did Sam Cooke have in the music industry? (Songwriter) (!Dancer) (!Record Producer) (!DJ)

How did Sam Cooke initially gain fame? (As a gospel singer) (!As a blues guitarist) (!As a jazz drummer) (!As a classical pianist)

Which of these is another famous song by Sam Cooke? ("A Change Is Gonna Come") (!"Respect") (!"Purple Rain") (!"Billie Jean")

What is a distinct feature of Sam Cooke's singing style in "You Send Me"? (Smooth, emotive delivery) (!Rapid-fire rap verses) (!Operatic vibrato) (!Heavy metal screams)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What is the main theme of "You Send Me"? (Love and devotion) (!Social injustice) (!Personal freedom) (!Nature's beauty)

Which line follows "Darling, you send me" in the song's lyrics? ("I know you send me") (!"I feel so happy") (!"You thrill me so") (!"I'm lost without you")

How does the song's melody complement its lyrics? (With a smooth, flowing style) (!With a fast-paced, energetic rhythm) (!With a somber, melancholic tone) (!With a complex, classical arrangement)

In "You Send Me," what does Cooke use to express the depth of his feelings? (Simple, heartfelt language) (!Complex metaphors) (!Historical references) (!Scientific terminology)

What aspect of "You Send Me" reflects gospel influences? (The emotive vocal delivery) (!Use of a church organ) (!Choir background vocals) (!Biblical references in the lyrics)


Create a memory game with matching pairs for this topic.

Sam Cooke "King of Soul"
1957 Release year of "You Send Me"
Gospel influences Feature in "You Send Me"
R&B and pop charts Topped by "You Send Me"
Love and devotion Main theme of "You Send Me"

Open Tasks


  1. Research Sam Cooke's Early Life: Find out about Sam Cooke's early life and career as a gospel singer.
  2. Explore the Lyrics: Analyze the lyrics of "You Send Me" and discuss their meaning.
  3. Listen and Reflect: Listen to "You Send Me" and describe how it makes you feel.


  1. Compare and Contrast: Compare "You Send Me" to another hit from the same era.
  2. Music Genre Evolution: Research how "You Send Me" influenced the development of soul music.
  3. Create a Playlist: Curate a playlist of songs that were influenced by Sam Cooke's style.


  1. Write a Song Review: Write a detailed review of "You Send Me," discussing its musical and historical significance.
  2. Analyze the Impact: Examine the impact of "You Send Me" on racial barriers in the music industry.
  3. Presentation on Soul Music: Prepare a presentation on the evolution of soul music, highlighting Sam Cooke's contributions.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the Cross-Genre Appeal: Explain how "You Send Me" appealed to both R&B and pop audiences.
  2. Impact of Gospel on Cooke's Music: Discuss how gospel music influenced Sam Cooke's style in "You Send Me."
  3. Sam Cooke's Legacy: Discuss how Sam Cooke's work, especially "You Send Me," has influenced modern music.
  4. Cultural Significance: Explain the cultural significance of "You Send Me" during the 1950s.
  5. Musical Analysis: Analyze the musical structure of "You Send Me" and its effect on the listener.

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