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Version vom 9. November 2019, 20:14 Uhr

Welcome to the DigI-VET MOOC! (in English language)

DigI-VET - Fostering Digitisation and Industry 4.0 in vocational education and training

DigI-VET Projekt Logo
DigI-VET Projekt Logo

In this sMOOC we inform you about the digitisation/digitalization project DigI-VET and its results as well as about digialization in vocational training. Our project includes a curriculum approach, learning modules and learning resources / teaching materials, best practice showcases and the DigI-VET book. This sMOOC on the project and digitization is also part of the DigI-VET project. You can use this sMOOC use without any charge or cost - just for free. It is an open educational resource (OER).

This MOOC was developed and implemented as part of the DigI-VET project. DigI-VET is an acronym for is and acronym for "Fostering Digitization and Industry 4.0 in Vocational Education and Training." DigI-VET is an international project within the framework of the EU education and support program ERASMUS +.

UPB Chair Logo
IngeniousKnowledge Logo
AOA Logo
Emphasys Logo
ERASMUS+ Logo Info

Informationen über den DigI-VET sMOOC

In diesem Bereich finden Sie Informationen über die Hauptzielgruppen, die Ziele des MOOC, die Ergebnisse und die Idee und die Struktur des DigI-VET sMOOC.


Hauptzielgruppen des sMOOCs sind:

  • Lehrkräfte in der Berufsbildung
  • Berufsbildner und Personalentwickler in Unternehmen
  • Berufsbildner in der Bildungsverwaltung
  • Berufsbildungsorganisationen und -institutionen
  • DigI-VET Nutzer
  • sowie PErsonen die an Fragen der Digitalisierung in der Berufsbildung interessiert sind.

Ziele des DigI-VET sMOOCs

Die Ziele dieses sMOOCs sind ...

  • provide youth workers, youth educators and youth organisations with insights in the tool.
  • provide information how to use the Serious Game in educational contexts.
  • describe the discussion models which are supported by the YES tool.
  • show examples of the screens.
  • provide pedagogical and didacticsl hints.
  • share discussion ideas and topics.
  • raise awareness for the use of Serious Games in Youth education.


The learners/target group of this Mooc will

  • learn about the rules and discussion formats of YES.
  • get in touch with the concept of Serious Games.
  • solve tasks to get deeper knowledge about the YES card deck game.
  • focus on European topics as an example of possible topics for YES discussions.
  • rethink their way of training.
  • learn about the ERASMUS+ project YES.

Aims and structure of the YES-MOOC

This MOOC will make it easy for youth workers to find the YES tool and to learn about how to use it to teach their learners productive debate skills that are essential for participating in politics and active citizenship in Europe. You, the trainers and youth workers, should be able to get an idea why YES is good and useful for youth groups. That´s why we decided to provide information and learning activities about: > the idea of YES > the game formats and settings > the types of cards and an introduction to the demo card sets > the structure and the course of the game (Screenshots and descriptions) > the importance of preparation and follow-up sequences > the link to our Website and to the YES Tool

So, let´s start!


When we are talking about modern and innovative ways of learning, game-based approaches and serious games are becoming more and more popul

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