Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls of Fire - 1957

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Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls of Fire - 1957


Jerry Lee Lewis's "Great Balls of Fire" is a classic rock and roll song that has captivated audiences since its release in 1957. This high-energy track, characterized by Lewis's distinctive piano playing and dynamic vocal style, is a cornerstone of rock and roll history.


"Great Balls of Fire" was recorded by Jerry Lee Lewis on October 8, 1957, at the famous Sun Studio in Memphis, Tennessee. The song was written by Otis Blackwell and Jack Hammer. It quickly became a hit, reaching No. 2 on the Billboard pop charts and selling one million copies in its first 10 days of release in the United States.

The Song's Style and Influence

The song is known for its upbeat tempo, boogie-woogie piano style, and Lewis's energetic vocal performance. It exemplifies the rock and roll sound of the 1950s and has influenced countless musicians and songs since its release.

Jerry Lee Lewis: A Controversial Figure

Jerry Lee Lewis, often known as "The Killer," is a controversial figure in rock and roll history. His personal life, including his marriages and lifestyle, often overshadowed his musical achievements. Nevertheless, his impact on the music industry is undeniable.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What studio was "Great Balls of Fire" recorded in? (Sun Studio) (!Abbey Road Studio) (!Motown Records) (!Electric Lady Studios)

Who wrote "Great Balls of Fire"? (Otis Blackwell and Jack Hammer) (!Elvis Presley and Jerry Leiber) (!Chuck Berry) (!Little Richard)

How many copies did "Great Balls of Fire" sell in its first 10 days in the US? (One million) (!Five hundred thousand) (!Two million) (!Seven hundred fifty thousand)

What is the primary instrument used in "Great Balls of Fire"? (Piano) (!Guitar) (!Saxophone) (!Drums)

In what year was "Great Balls of Fire" released? (1957) (!1955) (!1960) (!1959)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

What nickname is Jerry Lee Lewis often known by? (The Killer) (!The King) (!The Master) (!The Wizard)

In addition to rock and roll, what other genre is Jerry Lee Lewis known for? (Country) (!Blues) (!Jazz) (!Soul)

Where is Jerry Lee Lewis from? (Ferriday, Louisiana) (!Memphis, Tennessee) (!Nashville, Tennessee) (!New Orleans, Louisiana)

Which instrument is Jerry Lee Lewis famous for playing? (Piano) (!Guitar) (!Saxophone) (!Drums)

How old was Jerry Lee Lewis when he recorded "Great Balls of Fire"? (22 years old) (!18 years old) (!25 years old) (!30 years old)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What does Jerry Lee Lewis compare to "Great Balls of Fire"? (Kiss) (!Heart) (!Love) (!Dance)

In "Great Balls of Fire," what does Jerry Lee Lewis say he thought love was? (Mighty fine) (!Crazy) (!A sweet melody) (!A lie)

Which phrase repeats throughout "Great Balls of Fire"? (Goodness gracious) (!Oh baby) (!Yeah yeah) (!Alright alright)

How does Jerry Lee Lewis describe his feelings in the song? (Funny) (!Sad) (!Angry) (!Confused)

What action does Jerry Lee Lewis say makes him "nervous but it sure is fun"? (Love) (!Dancing) (!Singing) (!Playing piano)


Sun Studio Place where "Great Balls of Fire" was recorded
1957 Year "Great Balls of Fire" was released
Piano Jerry Lee Lewis's primary instrument
Otis Blackwell and Jack Hammer Writers of "Great Balls of Fire"
The Killer Jerry Lee Lewis's nickname

Open Tasks


  1. Research the 1950s Rock and Roll Scene: Explore other famous rock and roll artists and songs from the 1950s.
  2. Create a Playlist: Make a playlist of your favorite Jerry Lee Lewis songs.
  3. Draw a Portrait: Draw or paint a portrait of Jerry Lee Lewis.


  1. Write a Review: Write a review of "Great Balls of Fire," describing its musical elements and influence.
  2. Compare Genres: Compare rock and roll of the 1950s to another music genre from the same era.
  3. Explore Sun Studio: Research the history of Sun Studio and its impact on rock and roll.


  1. Analyze the Lyrics: Analyze the lyrics of "Great Balls of Fire" and discuss its themes and message.
  2. Musical Influence Essay: Write an essay on how Jerry Lee Lewis influenced other musicians.
  3. Create a Documentary: Make a short documentary about the life and career of Jerry Lee Lewis.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the Cultural Impact: Discuss the cultural impact of "Great Balls of Fire" in the 1950s and its legacy.
  2. Explore Controversy: Talk about the controversy surrounding Jerry Lee Lewis's personal life and its impact on his career.
  3. Compare Musicians: Compare Jerry Lee Lewis to another prominent figure in rock and roll history.
  4. Impact of Sun Studio: Discuss how Sun Studio influenced the sound of rock and roll.
  5. Evolution of Rock and Roll: Describe how rock and roll has evolved since the 1950s.

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