Weit, weit weg - von Goisern, Hubert

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Weit, weit weg - von Goisern, Hubert

Weit, weit weg - Hubert von Goisern

Weit, weit weg by Hubert von Goisern is a popular song that combines elements of traditional Austrian folk music with modern rock and pop. This aiMOOC will delve into various aspects of the song, its lyrics, and the artist himself, Hubert von Goisern.

Background of the Song

Weit, weit weg was released in 1992 and quickly gained popularity in Austria and beyond. The song is known for its blend of Alpine folk music with rock, a style that Hubert von Goisern has been credited with popularizing. The lyrics express a sense of longing and a desire for distance from the mundane.

Hubert von Goisern

Hubert von Goisern, born Hubert Achleitner, is an Austrian singer, composer, and bandleader. He is known for his innovative blending of traditional Volksmusik with modern sounds. His career spans several decades, during which he has released numerous albums and singles.

  1. Learn more about Hubert von Goisern's early life and career: Early Life and Career
  2. Discover more about the musical style of Hubert von Goisern: Alpine Folk Music in Modern Times
  3. Explore the impact of Hubert von Goisern on Austrian music: Impact of Hubert von Goisern

The Lyrics of Weit, weit weg

The lyrics of "Weit, weit weg" evoke feelings of wanderlust and a yearning for new experiences. They reflect a common theme in folk music, where the lyrics often express personal emotions and experiences.

  1. Analyze the lyrics of "Weit, weit weg": Analyzing Song Lyrics
  2. Understand the role of emotions in music: The Connection Between Music and Emotions
  3. Explore how folk music reflects culture: Folk Music and Cultural Expression

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "Weit, weit weg" released? (1992) (!1985) (!1999) (!2001)

Which musical style is prominently featured in "Weit, weit weg"? (Alpine folk music) (!Classic rock) (!Jazz) (!Electronic)

What is the main theme of "Weit, weit weg"? (Longing and wanderlust) (!Love) (!Social justice) (!Nature)

In which country did "Weit, weit weg" gain significant popularity? (Austria) (!Germany) (!Switzerland) (!United States)

Who is the artist behind "Weit, weit weg"? (Hubert von Goisern) (!Falco) (!Udo Jürgens) (!Christina Stürmer)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

What is the birth name of Hubert von Goisern? (Hubert Achleitner) (!Hubert Müller) (!Hubert Schneider) (!Hubert Steinbach)

In which genre has Hubert von Goisern NOT predominantly worked? (Jazz) (!Folk) (!Rock) (!Pop)

Which instrument is Hubert von Goisern particularly known for playing? (Accordion) (!Guitar) (!Piano) (!Violin)

Apart from music, what other field has Hubert von Goisern been involved in? (Environmental activism) (!Acting) (!Painting) (!Cooking)

In which decade did Hubert von Goisern start his music career? (1980s) (!1970s) (!1990s) (!2000s)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What is the primary emotion conveyed in the lyrics of "Weit, weit weg"? (Longing) (!Happiness) (!Anger) (!Fear)

What is the central theme of the song's lyrics? (Wanderlust) (!Romantic love) (!Political commentary) (!Childhood memories)

Which language are the lyrics of "Weit, weit weg" written in? (German) (!English) (!French) (!Italian)

In the context of the lyrics, what does "weit, weit weg" represent? (A desire for escape and adventure) (!A specific place) (!A lost love) (!A historical event)

How do the lyrics of "Weit, weit weg" connect with traditional folk themes? (They express personal emotions and experiences) (!They narrate historical events) (!They describe landscapes) (!They tell a moral story)


Create a memory game with matching pairs for the topic of "Weit, weit weg" by Hubert von Goisern.

Release Year of "Weit, weit weg" 1992
Hubert von Goisern's Birth Name Hubert Achleitner
Main Theme of the Song Longing and Wanderlust
Hubert von Goisern's Signature Instrument Accordion
Language of the Song's Lyrics German

Open Tasks


  1. Create a Playlist: Compile a playlist of songs that blend traditional and modern musical styles, similar to "Weit, weit weg."
  2. Write a Poem: Write a poem expressing feelings of longing or wanderlust, inspired by the lyrics of "Weit, weit weg."
  3. Musical Instruments Research: Research and write about an instrument commonly used in folk music, like the accordion.


  1. Song Analysis: Analyze the musical structure of "Weit, weit weg," focusing on its blend of folk and rock elements.
  2. Artist Profile: Create a detailed profile of Hubert von Goisern, covering his musical style, influences, and impact.
  3. Cultural Influence of Music: Investigate how music can reflect and influence cultural identity, using "Weit, weit weg" as an example.


  1. Compose a Song: Write and compose a song that combines elements of your local folk music with a modern genre.
  2. Music Video Creation: Create a music video for "Weit, weit weg," capturing the themes of the song.
  3. Interview Project: Conduct interviews with people about their favorite folk songs and what these songs mean to them.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the Evolution of Folk Music: Talk about how folk music has evolved over the years and its relevance today.
  2. Explain the Cultural Significance: Discuss the cultural significance of songs like "Weit, weit weg" in modern society.
  3. Compare and Contrast: Compare "Weit, weit weg" with a traditional folk song and discuss the differences and similarities.
  4. Impact of Music on Emotions: Explore how music like "Weit, weit weg" can evoke emotions and memories.
  5. Music as a Social Commentary: Discuss how music can be used as a form of social commentary.

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