Drama - Theater

Version vom 14. April 2024, 01:00 Uhr von Glanz (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{:MOOCit - Oben}} {| align=center {{:D-Tab}} '''Drama - Theater''' {{o}} Play - Stück {{o}} Actor - Schauspieler {{o}} Director - Regisseur {{o}} Stage - Bühne {{o}} Costume - Kostüm {{o}} Scenery - Kulisse {{o}} Lighting - Lichttechnik {{o}} Audience - Publikum {{o}} Script - Skript |} {{:BRK}} = Drama - Theater = Theater, often known as drama, is a form of fine art that involves the performance of stories in…“)
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Drama - Theater

Drama - Theater

Theater, often known as drama, is a form of fine art that involves the performance of stories in front of an audience using a combination of speech, gesture, music, dance, sound, and spectacle. It is one of the cultural forms that has played a significant role in many societies, often being both entertainment and a medium for educating and instigating change.

History of Theater

The history of theater traces back to the ancient Greeks, who made dramatic performances a part of festivals and civic ceremonies. Over centuries, theater has evolved, embracing various styles and forms in different cultures. From the traditional Greek tragedies to the grandeur of Elizabethan and Shakespearean plays, theater has continually adapted to include everything from minimalistic performances to elaborate operas.

Elements of Theater


The script or the written text of a play is the blueprint of the production, containing the dialogue and instructions for acting, stage directions, and sometimes set design.


Acting is the art of performing a role in front of an audience, interpreting and delivering lines with emotion and physical expressions.

Set Design

Set design refers to the creation of backdrops and environments on stage that reflect the setting of the play and contribute to the atmosphere.


The director's role encompasses interpreting the script, guiding the creative and practical inputs of the team, and unifying the vision of the production.

Types of Theater Productions

Theater can be divided into several types including:

  1. Drama - focuses on emotional narratives and complex characters.
  2. Comedy - aims to provoke laughter with lighter themes and often a happy ending.
  3. Musical Theater - incorporates music, songs, and dance as part of the storytelling.
  4. Opera - a dramatic story told through music with the characters' parts sung instead of spoken.

Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen


Was ist das englische Wort für "Schauspieler"? (actor) (!director) (!scriptwriter) (!designer)

Wie sagt man "Bühne" auf Englisch? (stage) (!curtain) (!audience) (!performance)

Was bedeutet "Kostüm" in Englisch? (costume) (!cloak) (!garment) (!apparel)

Wähle das englische Wort für "Maske". (mask) (!hat) (!glove) (!cape)

Wie übersetzt man "Lichttechnik" ins Englische? (lighting) (!sounding) (!rigging) (!casting)


Which German term is used for "director"? (Regisseur) (!Darsteller) (!Dramatiker) (!Bühnenbildner)

What is "a play" in German? (ein Stück) (!ein Roman) (!ein Gedicht) (!ein Lied)

Choose the correct translation for "audience". (Publikum) (!Vorstellung) (!Orchester) (!Choreographie)

What does "Kulisse" translate to in English? (scenery) (!curtain) (!light) (!sound)

Translate "script" into German. (Skript) (!Buch) (!Notiz) (!Artikel)


What is the English term for "Dramaturgie"? (dramaturgy) (!choreography) (!scenario) (!cinematography)

Identify the English translation of "Hauptdarsteller". (lead actor) (!main director) (!key grip) (!chief writer)

What does "ensemble" mean in both English and German? (ensemble) (!group) (!team) (!company)

Translate "proscenium" from English to German. (Proszenium) (!Panorama) (!Portal) (!Prisma)

What is the term for "prompter" in German? (Souffleur) (!Regieassistent) (!Bühnenmeister) (!Lichttechniker)


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