Diskussion:Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer - 1970

Version vom 9. Februar 2024, 18:58 Uhr von Glanz (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{:MOOCit - Top}} = Input = '''Simon & Garfunkel's "The Boxer" is a folk rock classic that was released in 1970. The song, featured on the album "Bridge over Troubled Water," tells a poignant story of a fighter who perseveres despite life's hardships and disappointments. Written by Paul Simon, the song is known for its melancholic lyrics, beautiful harmonies, and the famous "lie-la-lie" chorus. The production of "The Boxer" is notable for its use of a ba…“)
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Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer - 1970


Simon & Garfunkel's "The Boxer" is a folk rock classic that was released in 1970. The song, featured on the album "Bridge over Troubled Water," tells a poignant story of a fighter who perseveres despite life's hardships and disappointments. Written by Paul Simon, the song is known for its melancholic lyrics, beautiful harmonies, and the famous "lie-la-lie" chorus. The production of "The Boxer" is notable for its use of a bass harmonica, a piccolo trumpet, and the heavy reverberation of the drums, which were recorded in a custom-built echo chamber. The song's narrative, combined with its folk instrumentation and the duo's vocal harmonies, captures the essence of the early 1970s folk rock movement.

The Making of "The Boxer"

The process of recording "The Boxer" was elaborate and experimental for its time. Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel, along with producer Roy Halee, sought to create a distinctive sound for the track. The song's iconic drum sound was achieved by recording in a large, empty elevator shaft to achieve the desired echo effect. This innovative technique contributed significantly to the song's atmospheric depth and resonance.

Lyrics and Themes

The lyrics of "The Boxer" are a narrative of a young man's journey from his hometown to New York City, where he faces poverty and isolation, symbolizing the struggle against life's adversities. The refrain "lie-la-lie" adds a layer of universality and timelessness to the song, suggesting the inexpressible struggles and the resilience of the human spirit.

Cultural Impact

"The Boxer" has had a lasting impact on music and culture. It has been covered by numerous artists and is considered one of Simon & Garfunkel's greatest achievements. The song's themes of struggle, resilience, and the search for grace have resonated with listeners for decades, making it a timeless classic.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What innovative technique was used to achieve the distinctive drum sound in "The Boxer"? (Recording in a large, empty elevator shaft) (!Using multiple drum kits simultaneously) (!Synthesizing drum sounds with early computers) (!Recording underwater to achieve a muffled effect)

In what year was "The Boxer" released? (1970) (!1968) (!1972) (!1969)

Which instrument is NOT featured in "The Boxer"? (Piccolo trumpet) (!Bass harmonica) (!Electric guitar) (!Banjo)

What is the main theme of "The Boxer"? (The struggle against life's adversities) (!The joy of returning home) (!The excitement of living in New York City) (!A boxer's preparation for a big fight)

Who were the primary contributors to the creation of "The Boxer"? (Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel, and Roy Halee) (!Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, and Joni Mitchell) (!The Beatles and George Martin) (!Neil Young and Stephen Stills)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Which album features "The Boxer"? ("Bridge over Troubled Water") (!"Sounds of Silence") (!"Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme") (!"Bookends")

How did Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel first meet? (As childhood friends in Queens, New York) (!In college at Columbia University) (!At a folk music club in Greenwich Village) (!During a high school talent show)

Before adopting the name Simon & Garfunkel, under what name did the duo perform? (Tom & Jerry) (!The Peppermint Twisters) (!The Bachelors) (!The Sundowners)

Which of the following is NOT a Simon & Garfunkel song? ("Hotel California") (!"Mrs. Robinson") (!"The Sound of Silence") (!"Scarborough Fair/Canticle")

What is unique about Simon & Garfunkel's vocal harmony style? (The blending of their voices to create a single harmonious sound) (!They only used auto-tuning to correct pitch) (!Art Garfunkel sang all parts, with Paul Simon miming) (!They sang in unison, not harmony)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What symbolizes the protagonist's struggle in "The Boxer"? (His journey from his hometown to New York City) (!A literal boxing match) (!A series of letters to a loved one) (!His collection of boxing gloves)

What refrain is repeated throughout "The Boxer"? ("lie-la-lie") (!"oh-la-di") (!"da-da-da") (!"na-na-na")

What city does the protagonist move to in "The Boxer"? (New York City) (!Los Angeles) (!Chicago) (!London)

What does the "whores on 7th Avenue" line refer to in "The Boxer"? (The protagonist's experience of isolation and despair in the city) (!A specific event that the protagonist witnessed) (!The protagonist's former employment) (!A celebratory night out)

How does "The Boxer" conclude? (With the protagonist's vow to remain resilient despite hardships) (!The protagonist wins a boxing match) (!The protagonist returns home) (!The protagonist gives up on his dreams)


Year of release 1970
Album Bridge over Troubled Water
Main theme The struggle against life's adversities
Famous refrain lie-la-lie
Innovative recording technique Elevator shaft echo

Open Tasks


  1. Explore Folk Rock: Listen to other folk rock songs from the 1970s and compare their themes and musical styles to "The Boxer".
  2. Illustrate a Song: Create a drawing or painting that represents the themes of struggle and resilience in "The Boxer".


  1. Song Analysis: Write an essay analyzing the lyrical themes of "The Boxer" and how they reflect the social and cultural environment of the late 1960s and early 1970s.
  2. Cover Creation: Record your own cover version of "The Boxer", focusing on maintaining the emotional depth of the original.


  1. Music Production Techniques: Research and create a presentation on the innovative recording techniques used in "The Boxer", such as the elevator shaft echo.
  2. Cultural Impact Study: Conduct a survey or interview to gather opinions on the lasting cultural impact of "The Boxer" and present your findings in a report.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the Significance: Explain why "The Boxer" is considered a significant song in the folk rock genre and its impact on future music

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  1. Analyze the Lyrics: Discuss the symbolism in "The Boxer" and how it reflects the personal struggles of individuals during the 1960s and 1970s.
  2. Compare and Contrast: Compare "The Boxer" to another Simon & Garfunkel song in terms of lyrical themes, musical style, and cultural impact.
  3. Explore Musical Innovation: Discuss the innovative recording techniques used in "The Boxer" and how they contributed to the song's unique sound.
  4. Evaluate the Duo's Legacy: Reflect on the legacy of Simon & Garfunkel in the context of modern music. How have they influenced today's artists and music styles?

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