Iggy Pop - Lust for Life - 1977

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Iggy Pop - Lust for Life - 1977


Welcome to the aiMOOC on "Lust for Life" by Iggy Pop!

"Lust for Life" is a song co-written and performed by Iggy Pop, released as the title track to his 1977 album. This course will dive into the background, impact, and interesting details about the song and its iconic performer, Iggy Pop.


"Lust for Life" was released in 1977, during a period of significant change and innovation in rock music. The song was co-written by Iggy Pop and David Bowie, who also produced the album. Known for its driving rhythm and catchy guitar riff, it has become an anthem of rebellion and a staple of punk rock.

Composition and Style

The song's energetic beat is immediately recognizable, often associated with Pop's raw, dynamic style. The music and lyrics reflect a mix of wild abandon and sharp social commentary, which are hallmarks of Iggy Pop's work.

  1. Learn more about Iggy Pop's musical style
  2. Discover David Bowie's influence on the song
  3. Explore the 1970s Punk Rock era

Cultural Impact

"Lust for Life" gained renewed popularity in the 1990s and has been used in various films, TV shows, and advertisements. Its enduring appeal lies in its energy and its representation of the punk rock ethos.

  1. Understand Punk Rock's influence on culture
  2. Discover other influential 1970s music

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What unique feature is notable about the drumbeat in "Lust for Life"? (It was inspired by the Armed Forces Network's call signal) (!It was taken from a popular jazz song) (!It mimics a traditional African rhythm) (!It was a common beat in disco music of the time)

Which famous musician co-wrote "Lust for Life" with Iggy Pop? (David Bowie) (!Lou Reed) (!Freddie Mercury) (!Mick Jagger)

In what year was "Lust for Life" released? (1977) (!1975) (!1980) (!1972)

What genre does "Lust for Life" primarily belong to? (Punk rock) (!Glam rock) (!Disco) (!Folk music)

For which movie soundtrack did "Lust for Life" gain renewed popularity in the 1990s? (Trainspotting) (!Pulp Fiction) (!Fight Club) (!The Matrix)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

What is Iggy Pop's real name? (James Newell Osterberg Jr.) (!David Jones) (!Richard Hell) (!Lou Gramm)

Before his solo career, Iggy Pop was the lead singer of which influential band? (The Stooges) (!The Velvet Underground) (!Blondie) (!The Ramones)

Iggy Pop is often referred to as the "Godfather of" which music genre? (Punk) (!Glam rock) (!Heavy metal) (!Disco)

In which city was Iggy Pop born? (Muskegon, Michigan) (!New York City, New York) (!London, England) (!Los Angeles, California)

Which album marked Iggy Pop's debut as a solo artist? (The Idiot) (!Raw Power) (!Lust for Life) (!Kill City)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

Which line follows "I'm worth a million in prizes" in "Lust for Life"? (With my torture film) (!With my television) (!Driving my fast car) (!Wearing my lizard skin boots)

The lyrics of "Lust for Life" mention a character from which novel? (Johnny Yen from "The Ticket That Exploded" by William S. Burroughs) (!Holden Caulfield from "The Catcher in the Rye") (!Jay Gatsby from "The Great Gatsby") (!Raskolnikov from "Crime and Punishment")

Which of the following themes is prominently featured in "Lust for Life"? (Rebellion and addiction) (!Romantic love) (!Political protest) (!Nature and tranquility)

The song begins with the line "Here comes Johnny Yen again." What does this reference imply? (A return to self-destructive habits) (!A celebration of a new beginning) (!A tribute to a fallen friend) (!A call for political change)

What does Iggy Pop compare himself to in the song, indicating a sense of danger and allure? (A machine) (!A king) (!A star) (!An angel)


Iggy Pop James Newell Osterberg Jr.
1977 Release Year of "Lust for Life"
David Bowie Co-writer of "Lust for Life"
Punk Rock Primary Genre of "Lust for Life"
Trainspotting Film that featured "Lust for Life"

Open Tasks


  1. Create a Playlist: Create a playlist of songs that complement the themes and style of "Lust for Life".
  2. Draw Iggy Pop: Draw a portrait of Iggy Pop in your own artistic style.
  3. Research Punk Fashion: Explore and document the fashion trends in the punk rock era of the 1970s.


  1. Write a Song Review: Write a detailed review of "Lust for Life", focusing on its musical and lyrical elements.
  2. Analyze the Lyrics: Analyze the lyrics of "Lust for Life" and discuss the themes of rebellion and addiction.
  3. Study the 1970s Punk Scene: Research and present on the punk rock scene of the 1970s, highlighting its major artists and cultural impact.


  1. Create a Documentary: Create a short documentary about Iggy Pop and his influence on punk rock.
  2. Compose a Punk Rock Song: Compose and record your own punk rock song, inspired by "Lust for Life".
  3. Organize a Themed Event: Plan and organize a 1970s punk rock-themed event, including music, fashion, and art.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss Cultural Impact: Discuss how "Lust for Life" has influenced modern music and culture.
  2. Compare Punk and Other Genres: Compare and contrast punk rock with another musical genre of your choice.
  3. Iggy Pop's Musical Evolution: Analyze how Iggy Pop's music has evolved over the years and its impact on his career.
  4. Significance of Collaboration: Discuss the significance of the collaboration between Iggy Pop and David Bowie in the context of "Lust for Life".
  5. Lyrics Interpretation: Provide your interpretation of the lyrics of "Lust for Life" and how they reflect the ethos of the punk rock movement.

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