The Five Satins - In the Still of the Night - 1956

Version vom 29. Januar 2024, 20:28 Uhr von Glanz (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{:MOOCit - Top}} == The Five Satins - In the Still of the Night (1956) == '''In the Still of the Night''', recorded by The Five Satins in 1956, is a timeless doo-wop classic that has captured the hearts of music lovers for generations. The song is known for its smooth melody and heartfelt lyrics, making it a staple in the world of rhythm and blues and doo-wop music. This section will delve into the history, creation, and impact of ''In the Still of the…“)
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The Five Satins - In the Still of the Night - 1956

The Five Satins - In the Still of the Night (1956)

In the Still of the Night, recorded by The Five Satins in 1956, is a timeless doo-wop classic that has captured the hearts of music lovers for generations. The song is known for its smooth melody and heartfelt lyrics, making it a staple in the world of rhythm and blues and doo-wop music. This section will delve into the history, creation, and impact of In the Still of the Night, providing a comprehensive overview of this beloved tune.

History and Background

The Five Satins recorded In the Still of the Night in the basement of St. Bernadette's Church in New Haven, Connecticut. Fred Parris, the lead vocalist, wrote the song while on guard duty during his Army service. The song's harmonious blend of voices and the emotional depth of the lyrics quickly led to its widespread popularity. Despite its release over six decades ago, the song continues to resonate with audiences worldwide.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What unique location was "In the Still of the Night" recorded in? (St. Bernadette's Church basement) (!A professional recording studio) (!An abandoned theater) (!A high school gymnasium)

In what year was "In the Still of the Night" released? (1956) (!1958) (!1960) (!1954)

Which genre does "In the Still of the Night" primarily belong to? (Doo-wop) (!Jazz) (!Rock 'n' Roll) (!Blues)

Who wrote "In the Still of the Night"? (Fred Parris) (!Ben E. King) (!Sam Cooke) (!Chuck Berry)

What branch of the military was Fred Parris serving in when he wrote "In the Still of the Night"? (Army) (!Navy) (!Air Force) (!Marine Corps)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

What is the name of the group that performed "In the Still of the Night"? (The Five Satins) (!The Four Aces) (!The Platters) (!The Drifters)

Which member of The Five Satins wrote "In the Still of the Night"? (Fred Parris) (!Bill Baker) (!Ed Martin) (!Jim Freeman)

In what city was "In the Still of the Night" recorded? (New Haven, Connecticut) (!New York City, New York) (!Detroit, Michigan) (!Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

Which vocal part did Fred Parris perform in The Five Satins? (Lead vocalist) (!Bass) (!Baritone) (!Tenor)

In which decade did The Five Satins achieve fame? (1950s) (!1940s) (!1960s) (!1970s)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

Which time of day is mentioned in the title and lyrics of "In the Still of the Night"? (Night) (!Morning) (!Afternoon) (!Evening)

What sentiment is primarily expressed in "In the Still of the Night"? (Love) (!Joy) (!Anger) (!Sadness)

In "In the Still of the Night," what does the singer promise to remember? (The night and the love) (!The dance and the song) (!The fight and the sorrow) (!The journey and the destination)

What does the singer plead for in "In the Still of the Night"? (To hold his love tight) (!To find a new light) (!To end the long fight) (!To make everything right)

Which phrase repeats multiple times in "In the Still of the Night"? (Shoo-doo-shoo-be-doo) (!La-la-la-la-la) (!Dum-dum-dum-da-dum) (!Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba)


Term A Fred Parris
Term B 1956
Term C St. Bernadette's Church basement
Term D Doo-wop
Term E The Five Satins

Open Tasks


  1. Explore Music Genres: Research and write a short paragraph about the influence of doo-wop music in the 1950s.
  2. Sing Along: Learn the lyrics to "In the Still of the Night" and record yourself singing.
  3. Musical Map: Create a map showing where doo-wop music was most popular in the United States during the 1950s.


  1. Song Analysis: Analyze the lyrics of "In the Still of the Night" and discuss the themes of love and longing.
  2. Historical Context: Write an essay on how the 1950s societal norms and values are reflected in the song "In the Still of the Night".
  3. Performance Review: Watch a live performance of "In the Still of the Night" and write a review focusing on the vocal harmonies and stage presence.


  1. Songwriting Workshop: Write your own doo-wop song inspired by "In the Still of the Night".
  2. Music and Memory: Conduct a survey on how "In the Still of the Night" evokes nostalgia and memories among different age groups.
  3. Cultural Impact Analysis: Research and present the impact of "In the Still of the Night" on future music genres and artists.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the Evolution: How did "In the Still of the Night" contribute to the evolution of rhythm and blues into other music genres?
  2. Songwriting Techniques: Discuss the techniques used in writing "In the Still of the Night" and how they capture the essence of the song's theme.
  3. Cultural Significance: Explore the cultural significance of doo-wop music in the 1950s and its reflection in "In the Still of the Night".
  4. Comparative Analysis: Compare "In the Still of the Night" with another doo-wop song from the same era in terms of musical style and lyrical content.
  5. Music as a Social Commentary: Discuss how "In the Still of the Night" can be interpreted as a reflection of the social and cultural context of the 1950s.

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