Diskussion:In the Ghetto - Elvis Presley

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In the Ghetto - Elvis Presley

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Introduction to "In the Ghetto" by Elvis Presley

In the Ghetto is a notable song performed by Elvis Presley, which is not only a piece of music but also a reflection of social issues. The song, written by Mac Davis, captures the essence of life in the impoverished areas of Chicago during the late 1960s. This course will guide you through the various aspects of the song, its history, lyrics, and the impact it had on society and music.

Background of the Song

  1. Elvis Presley: Learn about the artist who brought 'In the Ghetto' to the world.
  2. Songwriter Mac Davis: Discover the songwriter behind the lyrics.
  3. 1960s America: Understand the social and political climate of America during the time the song was released.

Musical Composition

  1. Rock and Roll Music: Explore the genre and how 'In the Ghetto' fits into it.
  2. Music Production Techniques: Delve into the production aspects that make this song unique.

Social Impact

  1. Social Issues in Music: Analyze how 'In the Ghetto' addresses poverty and its cycle.
  2. Music's Influence on Culture: Understand the role of music in reflecting and influencing social issues.

Quiz: Questions on the Song

What year was "In the Ghetto" released? (1969) (!1972) (!1965) (!1970)

Who wrote "In the Ghetto"? (Mac Davis) (!Elvis Presley) (!Bob Dylan) (!Johnny Cash)

What city's hardships does "In the Ghetto" primarily reflect? (Chicago) (!Memphis) (!New York) (!Detroit)

Which genre best describes "In the Ghetto"? (Rock and Roll) (!Country) (!Blues) (!Folk)

What is the primary theme of "In the Ghetto"? (Cycle of poverty and violence) (!Romantic love) (!Political protest) (!Road to fame)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Elvis Presley is also known as the...? (King of Rock and Roll) (!Prince of Pop) (!Sultan of Swing) (!Duke of Disco)

Which of the following is a famous Elvis Presley move? (Hip gyrations) (!Moonwalk) (!Headbanging) (!Two-step)

In which decade did Elvis Presley's career peak? (1950s) (!1960s) (!1970s) (!1980s)

Where was Elvis Presley born? (Tupelo, Mississippi) (!Memphis, Tennessee) (!New Orleans, Louisiana) (!Nashville, Tennessee)

Elvis Presley served in which branch of the military? (U.S. Army) (!U.S. Navy) (!U.S. Air Force) (!U.S. Marine Corps)

Quiz: Questions on the Lyrics

Which phrase is repeated throughout "In the Ghetto"? (And his mama cries) (!And the world turns) (!As the snow flies) (!In the quiet night)

The song describes a young boy who... (Grows up in a poor neighborhood) (!Becomes a famous musician) (!Travels the world) (!Wins a fortune)

How does the song suggest the cycle of poverty continues? (A new baby is born into the same situation) (!The government implements new policies) (!The boy escapes poverty) (!It suggests the cycle is broken)

What season is mentioned at the beginning of the song? (Winter) (!Summer) (!Spring) (!Autumn)

What happens to the boy in the song as he grows older? (He turns to crime) (!He becomes a singer) (!He goes to college) (!He moves to a new city)


Elvis Presley King of Rock and Roll
1969 Year "In the Ghetto" was released
Mac Davis Songwriter of "In the Ghetto"
Chicago City reflected in "In the Ghetto"
Poverty Cycle Main theme of "In the Ghetto"

Open Tasks


  1. Research Elvis Presley: Find out more about Elvis Presley's early life and how it influenced his music.
  2. Create a Playlist: Compile a playlist of songs similar to 'In the Ghetto' in theme or style.
  3. Draw a Scene: Illustrate a scene or a moment described in 'In the Ghetto'.


  1. Write a Reflection: Reflect on how 'In the Ghetto' relates to current social issues.
  2. Analyze the Lyrics: Discuss the symbolism and metaphors in the song.
  3. Compare and Contrast: Compare 'In the Ghetto' to another song that deals with social issues.


  1. Essay on Music and Social Change: Write an essay on the role of music in social change, using 'In the Ghetto' as a case study.
  2. Conduct an Interview: Interview someone who grew up listening to Elvis Presley and get their perspective on the song.
  3. Create a Short Documentary: Make a short documentary about the impact of 'In the Ghetto' on society and music.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the Significance: Explain the significance of 'In the Ghetto' in the context of the 1960s' civil rights movement.
  2. Modern Interpretation: Discuss how 'In the Ghetto' would be received if released in today's society.
  3. Elvis's Influence: Describe how Elvis Presley's status as a cultural icon affected the reception of 'In the Ghetto'.
  4. Songwriting Analysis: Analyze Mac Davis's approach to songwriting in 'In the Ghetto'.
  5. Music and Emotion: Discuss the role of music in evoking emotions and prompting social awareness.

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