I Feel A Change Comin' On - Bob Dylan

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I Feel A Change Comin' On - Bob Dylan

I Feel A Change Comin' On - Bob Dylan


Welcome to the Music Quiz MOOC on "I Feel A Change Comin' On" by Bob Dylan! This course is designed to give you an in-depth look into the song's background, lyrics, and the artist himself. Bob Dylan, a pivotal figure in music history, has a rich and complex body of work. "I Feel A Change Comin' On" is one of his many songs that resonate with listeners for its poetic depth and musicality. As you explore this MOOC, you'll discover fascinating aspects of the song and its creator.

Background of the Song

Bob Dylan's "I Feel A Change Comin' On" is a track from his 2009 album "Together Through Life." This album marked a period of Dylan's career where his music was heavily influenced by blues, folk, and rock elements. Here's what you'll learn about the song's background:

  1. Bob Dylan's Career: Understand where this song fits into Dylan's career timeline and discography.
  2. Album Analysis: Dive into the album "Together Through Life" and its themes.
  3. Musical Influences: Explore the musical styles that influenced this song.

Analysis of Lyrics

In this section, we'll dissect the lyrics of "I Feel A Change Comin' On." Dylan is known for his poetic lyricism, and this song is no exception.

  1. Understanding Dylan's Lyrics: Analyze the song's lyrics and uncover their meaning.
  2. Use of Poetic Devices: Identify the poetic devices Dylan employs in his songwriting.
  3. Cultural and Historical Context: Discover any cultural or historical references embedded in the lyrics.

About Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan is not just a musician but a cultural icon. This part of the course will focus on his life and legacy.

  1. Biography: Learn about Dylan's life, from his early days to his status as a music legend.
  2. Dylan's Songwriting Style: Understand the unique aspects of Dylan's songwriting.
  3. Awards and Recognition: Review the numerous awards and accolades Dylan has received over his career.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "I Feel A Change Comin' On" released? (2009) (!1965) (!1978) (!1983)

Which album features "I Feel A Change Comin' On"? (Together Through Life) (!Blonde on Blonde) (!Blood on the Tracks) (!Time Out of Mind)

What musical styles influence "I Feel A Change Comin' On"? (Blues and Folk) (!Punk Rock) (!Classical) (!Electronic)

How does "I Feel A Change Comin' On" start? (With a harmonica intro) (!With a piano solo) (!With a guitar riff) (!With a drum beat)

What is a recurring theme in "I Feel A Change Comin' On"? (Change and Transition) (!Love and Romance) (!Political Protest) (!Travel and Adventure)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

In which decade did Bob Dylan start his career? (1960s) (!1950s) (!1970s) (!1980s)

Bob Dylan is known for his significant influence in which music genre? (Folk and Rock) (!Jazz) (!Classical) (!Hip-Hop)

Which famous festival in 1965 was marked by Dylan's controversial shift from acoustic to electric guitar? (Newport Folk Festival) (!Woodstock) (!Monterey Pop Festival) (!Isle of Wight Festival)

Which of these songs is also by Bob Dylan? ("Blowin' in the Wind") (!"Hotel California") (!"Stairway to Heaven") (!"Bohemian Rhapsody")

What unique feature is Bob Dylan renowned for in his music? (His poetic lyrics) (!Extensive use of synthesizers) (!Complex dance routines) (!Operatic vocals)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What does Dylan compare the coming change to in the song? (A change in the weather) (!A ship setting sail) (!A train leaving the station) (!A bird taking flight)

In the lyrics, Dylan mentions looking at what in the evening? (The sunset) (!The stars) (!The city lights) (!The moon)

Which of these is a recurring line in "I Feel A Change Comin' On"? ("I'm listening to Billy Joe Shaver") (!"I'm walking down the long road") (!"I'm dreaming of a better day") (!"I'm searching for the truth")

The lyrics of "I Feel A Change Comin' On" reflect a sense of what? (Optimism and hope) (!Despair and sadness) (!Anger and frustration) (!Indifference and boredom)

In the song, Dylan references which of these activities? (Playing cards) (!Dancing in the rain) (!Riding a motorcycle) (!Painting a picture)


Create a memory game with matching pairs for this topic:

Term A 2009
Term B Together Through Life
Term C Blues and Folk
Term D Harmonica Intro
Term E Change and Transition

Open Tasks


  1. Research a Song: Research another song by Bob Dylan and write a short paragraph about its background.
  2. Explore Genres: Listen to a folk and a blues song and describe how they are similar or different from "I Feel A Change Comin' On."


  1. Analyze Lyrics: Choose a verse from "I Feel A Change Comin' On" and analyze its poetic devices.
  2. Bob Dylan's Influence: Write an essay on how Bob Dylan influenced a specific music genre or another artist.


  1. Creative Writing: Write your own lyrics in the style of Bob Dylan, incorporating themes of change and transition.
  2. Music Composition: Compose a piece of music that could accompany the lyrics of "I Feel A Change Comin' On."

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Oral Exam

  1. Connecting Themes: Discuss how the themes in "I Feel A Change Comin' On" relate to broader social or historical contexts.
  2. Comparative Analysis: Compare and contrast "I Feel A Change Comin' On" with another Bob Dylan song in terms of themes and musical style.
  3. Bob Dylan's Legacy: Discuss the impact of Bob Dylan's music on contemporary songwriters and musicians.




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