Eminem - My Name Is - 1999

Version vom 7. Februar 2024, 17:19 Uhr von Glanz (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{:MOOCit - Top}} '''Eminem's "My Name Is" from 1999''' is a pivotal track in the history of hip-hop and marks the mainstream breakthrough of one of the genre's most controversial and talented figures. This song, with its catchy hook and distinctive beat produced by Dr. Dre, introduced Eminem's alter ego, Slim Shady, to the world. Eminem, born Marshall Bruce Mathers III, uses the song to narrate his troubled youth, his rise to fame, and his frustrations…“)
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Eminem - My Name Is - 1999

Eminem's "My Name Is" from 1999 is a pivotal track in the history of hip-hop and marks the mainstream breakthrough of one of the genre's most controversial and talented figures. This song, with its catchy hook and distinctive beat produced by Dr. Dre, introduced Eminem's alter ego, Slim Shady, to the world. Eminem, born Marshall Bruce Mathers III, uses the song to narrate his troubled youth, his rise to fame, and his frustrations with society and the music industry. The single was a commercial success, peaking on charts worldwide and winning a Grammy Award for Best Rap Solo Performance. Its music video, which features Eminem impersonating various public figures, further cemented his reputation as a provocateur.


The collaboration between Eminem and Dr. Dre began after Dre heard Eminem's performance in the 1997 Rap Olympics. Impressed by Eminem's unique style and lyrical prowess, Dre signed him to his label, Aftermath Entertainment. "My Name Is" was one of the first tracks they recorded together, and it showcased Eminem's dark humor and storytelling ability, characteristics that would define his career.

Lyrics and Themes

The lyrics of "My Name Is" are a mixture of satire, dark comedy, and personal experience. Eminem touches on issues such as drug use, poverty, and family strife, often using exaggerated portrayals of himself and his life. The chorus, simple and repetitive, contrasts with the verses' complex rhymes and vivid imagery, creating a memorable and impactful song.

Music Video

The music video for "My Name Is" was directed by Philip Atwell and Dr. Dre. It features Eminem in various scenarios, including parodies of pop culture figures and references to his personal life. The video played a significant role in popularizing the song and Eminem as an artist.

Impact and Legacy

"My Name Is" is credited with catapulting Eminem to fame and establishing him as a critical and commercial success. The song's blend of humor, controversy, and autobiographical elements resonated with listeners, making Eminem a prominent voice in hip-hop. It also highlighted Dr. Dre's production prowess, reinforcing his status as a legendary producer in the music industry.

Interactive Elements

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "My Name Is" released? (1999) (!1997) (!2000) (!1998)

Who produced "My Name Is"? (Dr. Dre) (!Eminem) (!Mark Bass) (!Rick Rubin)

Which album features "My Name Is"? (The Slim Shady LP) (!The Marshall Mathers LP) (!Encore) (!Relapse)

What award did "My Name Is" win at the Grammy Awards? (Best Rap Solo Performance) (!Best New Artist) (!Record of the Year) (!Best Music Video)

Which of these themes is NOT addressed in "My Name Is"? (!Family strife) (!Drug use) (!Poverty) (Social media)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

What is Eminem's real name? (Marshall Bruce Mathers III) (!Marshall Davis Jones) (!Bruce Marshall Mathers) (!Eminem Shady)

Which rap battle competition did Dr. Dre discover Eminem? (1997 Rap Olympics) (!1996 MC Battle) (!1998 Freestyle Showdown) (!1999 Hip Hop Invitational)

How many Grammy Awards has Eminem won as of 2023? (Browse for the current number) (!10) (!15) (!20) (!25)

Which of Eminem's alter egos is introduced in "My Name Is"? (Slim Shady) (!Marshall Mathers) (!B-Rabbit) (!Ken Kaniff)

Eminem is from which city? (Detroit, Michigan) (!Compton, California) (!Queens, New York) (!Chicago, Illinois)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

Which public figure is NOT parodied in the "My Name Is" music video? (!Marilyn Manson) (!Bill Clinton) (SpongeBob SquarePants) (!Sonny Bono)

What does Eminem claim to have done at the age of 12 in the song? (Shoved a hamster in a microwave) (!Stole a car) (!Got his first tattoo) (!Won a rap battle)

How does Eminem describe his relationship with his mother in "My Name Is"? (Problematic and strained) (!Loving and supportive) (!Indifferent) (!Non-existent)

Which of these is a line from "My Name Is"? ("Hi, my name is, who? My name is, what?") (!"I'm Slim Shady, yes I'm the real Shady") (!"You better lose yourself in the music") (!"Guess who's back, back again")

Eminem mentions which of these activities as part of his daily routine in the song? (Watching TV and getting high) (!Going to the gym) (!Reading books) (!Volunteering)


1999 Year "My Name Is" was released
Dr. Dre Producer of "My Name Is"
The Slim Shady LP Album featuring "My Name Is"
Best Rap Solo Performance Grammy Award won by "My Name Is"
Slim Shady Eminem's alter ego introduced in "My Name Is"

Open Tasks


  1. Create a parody video: Create your own parody video inspired by "My Name Is". Focus on a humorous take on daily life scenarios.
  2. Research on 1990s hip-hop: Explore the hip-hop scene of the 1990s. How did Eminem's "My Name Is" fit within that era's music landscape?
  3. Analyze the lyrics: Pick a verse from "My Name Is" and analyze its lyrical content. What message do you think Eminem is trying to convey?


  1. Explore Dr. Dre's production techniques: Research and write about the production techniques Dr. Dre used in creating "My Name Is".
  2. Compare Eminem's albums: Compare the themes and styles of "The Slim Shady LP" to another Eminem album. What are the major differences and similarities?
  3. Study the impact of "My Name Is" on Eminem's career: How did "My Name Is" influence Eminem's career trajectory and public image?


  1. Create a rap song: Write and perform your own rap song, inspired by Eminem's style in "My Name Is". Focus on storytelling and character creation.
  2. Debate the ethical implications: Organize a debate on the ethical implications of Eminem's controversial lyrics in "My Name Is".
  3. Design an album cover: Design your own album cover for "The Slim Shady LP", incorporating themes from "My Name Is".

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the cultural impact of Eminem: How has Eminem influenced hip-hop culture and the wider music industry?
  2. Analyze the role of humor in "My Name Is" and its effect on the song's reception.
  3. Explore Eminem's use of alter egos: What purpose do Eminem's alter egos serve in his music, specifically in "My Name Is"?
  4. Compare and contrast Eminem's portrayal of his personal life in "My Name Is" with other songs.
  5. Evaluate the significance of Dr. Dre's mentorship on Eminem's career, particularly through the creation of "My Name Is".

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