Sly & Family Stone - Everyday People - 1968

Version vom 29. Januar 2024, 22:11 Uhr von Glanz (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{:MOOCit - Top}} == Introduction to "Everyday People" by Sly & The Family Stone (1968) == '''Everyday People''' is a groundbreaking song by Sly & The Family Stone, released in 1968. This song not only became a significant hit but also stood as a powerful anthem for peace and equality during a tumultuous period in American history. The band, known for its diverse line-up and innovative blend of funk, soul, and psychedelic music, made a profound statement…“)
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Sly & Family Stone - Everyday People - 1968

Introduction to "Everyday People" by Sly & The Family Stone (1968)

Everyday People is a groundbreaking song by Sly & The Family Stone, released in 1968. This song not only became a significant hit but also stood as a powerful anthem for peace and equality during a tumultuous period in American history. The band, known for its diverse line-up and innovative blend of funk, soul, and psychedelic music, made a profound statement with "Everyday People," emphasizing unity and tolerance.

Background and Impact

  1. Learn about the band's history and how their unique sound came to be.
  2. Understand the cultural and social backdrop of the 1960s that influenced "Everyday People."
  3. Explore the role of music in social change and how "Everyday People" contributed to this.

Musical Elements

  1. Discover the funk music elements in "Everyday People."
  2. Study the structure and composition of the song.
  3. Analyze the instrumentation and how it contributes to the song's message.


Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "Everyday People" by Sly & The Family Stone released? (1968) (!1972) (!1965) (!1970)

Which music genre does "Everyday People" predominantly represent? (Funk) (!Rock) (!Jazz) (!Pop)

What is the key message of "Everyday People"? (Unity and tolerance) (!Political protest) (!Romantic love) (!Personal freedom)

How did "Everyday People" impact the music scene in the late 1960s? (It influenced the integration of social messages in popular music) (!It introduced electronic music to mainstream audiences) (!It marked the beginning of the disco era) (!It shifted focus to instrumental solos in pop music)

What distinctive feature characterizes Sly & The Family Stone's lineup during the era of "Everyday People"? (Its racial and gender diversity) (!The use of multiple lead vocalists) (!Featuring a full orchestra) (!Using only acoustic instruments)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

What unique aspect did Sly & The Family Stone bring to their music, which was rare at the time? (A mix of different racial and gender band members) (!Use of electronic instruments) (!Singing in multiple languages) (!Incorporating classical music elements)

Sly & The Family Stone are considered pioneers in which music genre? (Funk) (!Rock and Roll) (!Blues) (!Country)

In which city was Sly & The Family Stone formed? (San Francisco) (!New York) (!Chicago) (!Los Angeles)

Who was the founder and frontman of Sly & The Family Stone? (Sly Stone) (!Freddie Stone) (!Larry Graham) (!Cynthia Robinson)

Which of the following albums includes "Everyday People"? (Stand!) (!There's a Riot Goin' On) (!Fresh) (!Life)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

Which line from "Everyday People" emphasizes its message of unity? ("We got to live together") (!"I am no better and neither are you") (!"There is a blue one who can't accept the green one") (!"Different strokes for different folks")

What is the famous repeated phrase in "Everyday People"? ("Different strokes for different folks") (!"We are the same, whatever we do") (!"You love me, you hate me, you know me and then") (!"Living together, being equal")

The lyrics "There is a yellow one that won't accept the black one" reflect the song's theme of: (Challenging racial prejudices) (!Celebrating diversity) (!Personal struggles) (!Environmental concerns)

In "Everyday People," the line "And so on and so on and scooby dooby doo" is an example of: (Scat singing) (!Metaphor) (!Alliteration) (!Personification)

The phrase "I am no better and neither are you" in "Everyday People" conveys a message of: (Equal worth of all individuals) (!Personal insecurity) (!Competitiveness) (!Social hierarchy)


Sly Stone Founder and frontman of Sly & The Family Stone
1968 Year "Everyday People" was released
Funk Predominant genre of "Everyday People"
Unity and Tolerance Key message of "Everyday People"
San Francisco City where Sly & The Family Stone was formed

Open Tasks


  1. Create a Playlist: Compile a playlist of songs from the 1960s that share themes with "Everyday People."
  2. Draw a Band Poster: Design a poster for Sly & The Family Stone using symbols of unity and diversity.


  1. Write a Review: Write a review of "Everyday People," focusing on its musical style and social impact.
  2. Compare and Contrast: Compare "Everyday People" to another protest song from the same era.


  1. Research Project: Investigate the influence of "Everyday People" on later musicians and genres.
  2. Creative Writing: Write a short story inspired by the themes in "Everyday People."

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the role of music in social movements, using "Everyday People" as an example.
  2. Explain how the diverse makeup of Sly & The Family Stone influenced their music.
  3. Analyze the lyrical content of "Everyday People" in the context of the civil rights movement.
  4. Compare the musical elements of "Everyday People" with other Sly & The Family Stone songs.
  5. Reflect on the legacy of "Everyday People" in contemporary music and culture.

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